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DESIGN of CONCRETE STRUCTURES 15th edition by David Darwin, Charles W. Dolan, Charles W. Dolan


In this book explain about Reinforced Concrete Design that complied with ACI 318 (American Concrete Institute) for Building Code included Examples and Problem. Now you can consider with list of content below.

Title: DESIGN of CONCRETE STRUCTURES  15th edition by David Darwin, Charles W. Dolan, Charles W. Dolan
Page Number: 801 pages
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Content of this book 

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

    1.1 Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Prestressed Concrete 1
    1.2 Structural Forms 2
    1.3 Loads 8
    1.4 Serviceability, Strength, and Structural Safety 12
    1.5 Design Basis 15
    1.6 Design Codes and Specifications 16
    1.7 Safety Provisions of the ACI Code 17
    1.8 Developing Factored Gravity Loads 18
    References 22
    Problems 22

Chapter 2 Materials 24

    2.1 Introduction 24
    2.2 Cement 24
    2.3 Aggregates 25
    2.4 Proportioning and Mixing Concrete 27
    2.5 Conveying, Placing, Compacting, and Curing 29
    2.6 Quality Control 30
    2.7 Admixtures 34
    2.8 Properties in Compression 36
    2.9 Properties in Tension 42
    2.10 Strength under Combined Stress 45
    2.11 Shrinkage and Temperature Effects 46
    2.12 High-Strength Concrete 49
    2.13 Reinforcing Steels for Concrete 51
    2.14 Reinforcing Bars 52
    2.15 Welded Wire Reinforcement 57
    2.16 Prestressing Steels 58
    2.17 Fiber Reinforcement 60
    References 62
    Problems 63

Chapter 3 Design of Concrete Structures and Fundamental Assumptions 65

    3.1 Introduction 65
    3.2 Members and Sections 67
    3.3 Theory, Codes, and Practice 67
    3.4 Fundamental Assumptions for Reinforced Concrete Behavior 69
    3.5 Behavior of Members Subject to Axial Loads 70
    3.6 Bending of Homogeneous Beams 76
    References 78
    Problems 78

Chapter 4 Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams 80

    4.1 Introduction 80
    4.2 Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior 80
    4.3 Design of Tension-Reinforced Rectangular Beams 90
    4.4 Design Aids 104
    4.5 Practical Considerations in the Design of Beams 107
    4.6 Rectangular Beams with Tension and Compression
    Reinforcement 109
    4.7 T Beams 118
    References 125
    Problems 126

Chapter 5 Shear and Diagonal Tension in Beams 130

    5.1 Introduction 130
    5.2 Diagonal Tension in Homogeneous Elastic Beams 131
    5.3 Reinforced Concrete Beams without Shear Reinforcement 134
    5.4 Reinforced Concrete Beams with Web Reinforcement 141
    5.5 ACI Code Provisions for Shear Design 146
    5.6 Effect of Axial Forces 155
    5.7 Beams with Varying Depth 160
    5.8 Alternative Models for Shear Analysis and Design 161
    5.9 Shear-Friction Design Method 170
    References 174
    Problems 176

Chapter 6 Bond, Anchorage, and Development Length 179

    6.1 Fundamentals of Flexural Bond 179
    6.2 Bond Strength and Development Length 183
    6.3 ACI Code Provisions for Development of Tension  Reinforcement 187
    6.4 Anchorage of Tension Bars by Hooks 191
    6.5 Anchorage in Tension Using Headed Bars 195
    6.6 Anchorage Requirements for Web Reinforcement 199
    6.7 Welded Wire Reinforcement 200
    6.8 Development of Bars in Compression 201
    6.9 Bundled Bars 202
    6.10 Bar Cutoff and Bend Points in Beams 202
    6.11 Structural Integrity Provisions 209
    6.12 Integrated Beam Design Example 210
    6.13 Bar Splices 215
    References 218
    Problems 219

Chapter 7 Serviceability 224

    7.1 Introduction 224
    7.2 Cracking in Flexural Members 224
    7.3 ACI Code Provisions for Crack Control 227
    7.4 Control of Deflections 230
    7.5 Immediate Deflections 231
    7.6 Deflections Due to Long-Term Loads 234
    7.7 ACI Code Provisions for Control of Deflections 236
    7.8 Deflections Due to Shrinkage and Temperature Changes 242
    7.9 Moment vs. Curvature for Reinforced Concrete Sections 244
    References 248
    Problems 249

Chapter 8 Analysis and Design for Torsion 251

    8.1 Introduction 251
    8.2 Torsion in Plain Concrete Members 252
    8.3 Torsion in Reinforced Concrete Members 255
    8.4 Torsion Plus Shear 259
    8.5 ACI Code Provisions for Torsion Design 260
    References 270
    Problems 270

Chapter 9 Short Columns 273

    9.1 Introduction: Axial Compression 273
    9.2 Transverse Ties and Spirals 276
    9.3 Compression Plus Bending of Rectangular Columns 280
    9.4 Strain Compatibility Analysis and Interaction Diagrams 281
    9.5 Balanced Failure 284
    9.6 Distributed Reinforcement 287
    9.7 Unsymmetrical Reinforcement 289
    9.8 Circular Columns 290
    9.9 ACI Code Provisions for Column Design 292
    9.10 Design Aids 293
    9.11 Biaxial Bending 296
    9.12 Load Contour Method 298
    9.13 Reciprocal Load Method 299
    9.14 Computer Analysis for Biaxial Bending of Columns 302
    9.15 Bar Splicing in Columns and Ties Near Beam-Column Joints 303
    9.16 Transmission of Column Loads through Floor Systems 305
    References 305
    Problems 306

Chapter 10 Slender Columns 310

    10.1 Introduction 310
    10.2 Concentrically Loaded Columns 311
    10.3 Compression Plus Bending 314
    10.4 ACI Criteria for Slenderness Effects in Columns 319
    10.5 ACI Criteria for Nonsway vs. Sway Structures 321
    10.6 ACI Moment Magnifier Method for Nonsway Frames 322
    10.7 ACI Moment Magnifier Method for Sway Frames 330
    10.8 Second-Order Analysis for Slenderness Effects 336
    References 338
    Problems 339

Chapter 11 Analysis of Indeterminate Beams and Frames 343

    11.1 Continuity 343
    11.2 Loading 345
    11.3 Simplifications in Frame Analysis 347
    11.4 Methods for Elastic Analysis 349
    11.5 Idealization of the Structure 350
    11.6 Preliminary Design and Guidelines for Proportioning Members 355
    11.7 Approximate Analysis 357
    11.8 ACI Moment Coefficients 362
    11.9 Limit Analysis 365
    11.10 Conclusion 376
    References 377
    Problems 377

Chapter 12 Analysis and Design of One-Way Slabs 380

    12.1 Types of Slabs 380
    12.2 Design of One-Way Slabs 382
    12.3 Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcement 385
    Reference 388
    Problems 388

Chapter 13 Analysis and Design of Two-Way Slabs 390

    13.1 Behavior of Two-Way Edge-Supported Slabs 390
    13.2 Two-Way Column-Supported Slabs 393
    13.3 Direct Design Method for Column-Supported Slabs 397
    13.4 Flexural Reinforcement for Column-Supported Slabs 402
    13.5 Depth Limitations of the ACI Code 405
    13.6 Equivalent Frame Method 411
    13.7 Shear Design in Flat Plates and Flat Slabs 419
    13.8 Transfer of Moments at Columns 434
    13.9 Openings in Slabs 437
    13.10 Deflection Calculations 439
    13.11 Analysis for Horizontal Loads 446
    References 447
    Problems 449

Chapter 14 Walls 453

    14.1 Introduction 453
    14.2 General Design Considerations 454
    14.3 Simplified Method for Axial Load and Out-of-Plane Moment 456
    14.4 Alternative Method for Out-of-Plane Slender Wall Analysis 457
    14.5 Shear Walls 458
    References 462

Chapter 15 Footings and Foundations 463

    15.1 Types and Functions 463
    15.2 Spread Footings 463
    15.3 Design Factors 464
    15.4 Loads, Bearing Pressures, and Footing Size 465
    15.5 Wall Footings 467
    15.6 Column Footings 469
    15.7 Combined Footings 477
    15.8 Two-Column Footings 479
    15.9 Strip, Grid, and Mat Foundations 486
    15.10 Pile Caps 487
    References 490
    Problems 491

Chapter 16 Retaining Walls 492

    16.1 Function and Types of Retaining Walls 492
    16.2 Earth Pressure 492
    16.3 Earth Pressure for Common Conditions of Loading 496
    16.4 External Stability 497
    16.5 Basis of Structural Design 500
    16.6 Drainage and Other Details 501
    16.7 Example: Design of a Gravity Retaining Wall 502
    16.8 Example: Design of a Cantilever Retaining Wall 504
    16.9 Counterfort Retaining Walls 511
    16.10 Precast Retaining Walls 513
    References 514
    Problems 515

Chapter 17 Strut-and-Tie Models 516

    17.1 Introduction 516
    17.2 Development of Strut-and-Tie Models 516
    17.3 Strut-and-Tie Design Methodology 520
    17.4 ACI Provisions for Strut-and-Tie Models 526
    17.5 Applications 531
    References 540
    Problems 541

Chapter 18 Design of Reinforcement at Joints 542

    18.1 Introduction 542
    18.2 Beam-Column Joints 543
    18.3 Strut-and-Tie Model for Joint Behavior 555
    18.4 Beam-to-Girder Joints 557
    18.5 Ledge Girders 558
    18.6 Corners and T Joints 561
    18.7 Brackets and Corbels 564
    References 568
    Problems 569

Chapter 19 Concrete Building Systems 571

    19.1 Introduction 571
    19.2 Floor and Roof Systems 572
    19.3 Precast Concrete for Buildings 584
    19.4 Diaphragms 600
    19.5 Engineering Drawings for Buildings 605
    References 605

Chapter 20 Seismic Design 607

    20.1 Introduction 607
    20.2 Structural Response 609
    20.3 Seismic Loading Criteria 614
    20.4 ACI Provisions for Earthquake-Resistant Structures 619
    20.5 ACI Provisions for Special Moment Frames 620
    20.6 ACI Provisions for Special Structural Walls, Coupling
    Beams, Diaphragms, and Trusses 633
    20.7 ACI Provisions for Shear Strength 638
    20.8 ACI Provisions for Intermediate Moment Frames 642
    References 644
    Problems 644

Chapter 21 Anchoring to Concrete 646

    21.1 Introduction 646
    21.2 Behavior of Anchors 648
    21.3 Concrete Breakout Capacity 649
    21.4 Anchor Design 651
    21.5 ACI Code Provisions for Concrete Breakout Capacity 651
    21.6 Steel Strength 653
    21.7 Concrete Breakout Capacity of Single Cast-In and Post-Installed Anchors 655
    21.8 Pullout Strength of Anchors 662
    21.9 Side-Face Blowout 663
    21.10 Pryout of Anchors 664
    21.11 Combined Shear and Normal Force 664
    21.12 Anchor Reinforcement 667
    21.13 Adhesive Anchors 667
    21.14 Earthquake Design 671
    References 672
    Problems 673

Chapter 22 Prestressed Concrete 677

    22.1 Introduction 677
    22.2 Effects of Prestressing 678
    22.3 Sources of Prestress Force 682
    22.4 Prestressing Steels 685
    22.5 Concrete for Prestressed Construction 687
    22.6 Elastic Flexural Analysis 688
    22.7 Flexural Strength 694
    22.8 Partial Prestressing 699
    22.9 Flexural Design Based on Concrete Stress Limits 700
    22.10 Shape Selection 711
    22.11 Tendon Profiles 712
    22.12 Flexural Design Based on Load Balancing 714
    22.13 Loss of Prestress 719
    22.14 Shear, Diagonal Tension, and Web Reinforcement 723
    22.15 Bond Stress, Transfer Length, and Development Length 730
    22.16 Anchorage Zone Design 731
    22.17 Deflection 735
    22.18 Crack Control for Class C Flexural Members 739
    References 739
    Problems 740

Chapter 23 Yield Line Analysis for Slabs

Chapter 24 Strip Method for Slabs

Appendix A Design Aids 743

Appendix B SI Conversion Factors:

    Inch-Pound Units to SI Units 776

Author Index 777
Subject Index 780

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