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Thermodynamics Part II Cycles for Gas turbines and Jet propulsion, Vapor power cycles Applied to MathCAD

    Thermodynamics Part II Cycles for Gas turbines and Jet propulsion, Vapor power cycles Applied to MathCAD     
Number of  Page
293 page
File Type
File Size
10.6 MB

1 Gas Power Cycles 16

1.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used [1–6]: 16
1.2 Problems on Otto cycle (or, constant volume cycle): 25
1.3 Problems on Diesel cycle (or, constant pressure cycle): 117
1.4 Problems on Dual cycle (or, limited pressure cycle): 203
1.5 Problems on Stirling cycle: 277
1.6 References 292

2 Cycles for Gas Turbines and Jet propulsion Part II

2.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part II
2.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part II
2.3 References Part II

3 Vapour Power cycles Part II

3.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part II
3.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part II
3.3 References Part II

4 Refrigeration cycles. Part III

4.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part III
4.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part III
4.3 References Part III

Air compressors Part III

5.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part III
5.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part III
5.3 References Part III

6 Thermodynamic relations Part III

6.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part III
6.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part III
6.3 References Part III

7 Psychrometrics Part IV

7.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part IV
7.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part IV
7.3 References Part IV

8 Reactive systems Part IV

8.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part IV
8.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part IV
8.3 References Part IV

9 Compressible fluid flow Part V

9.1 Definitions, Statements and Formulas used Part V
9.2 Problems solved with Mathcad, EES and TEST Part V
9.3 References Part V

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